Island Updates: New Year’s, Visiting friends & an Iguana

Hello Dear Pod & to 2021!

I’m sure many are happy to see the end of 2020 – and it brings a lot of curiosity about what 2021 will bring!

The past couple of weeks have been filled with visiting friends over the holidays here on Bimini, gardening and of course playing with Jordan…

Some of you may know Gisela – one of our beloved WildQuest team members who lives in Delray Beach, FL. Gisela came for a visit and we spent some fun times together while she was here.

We rode bikes to take the ferry to South Island to visit a couple of WildQuest friends and crew, Kathleen & Marina, at their sweet little island home. We sat outside at their dock enjoying a nice breeze while we visited and played cards. It was a nice adventure/day.

I had my first major “harvest” from the small garden of bell peppers.. woo hoo!  Just the right size for me!

There are a few lovely boats visiting Bimini at the moment and one of them, “SEALEGACY 1” is a beautiful catamaran that is part of the Sea Legacy organization. They started an around the world tour in October after getting the boat ready and are working with filmmakers and photographers from all over to promote conservation and education. Yeah, Sea Legacy!

We now have an iguana that likes to sunbathe on our dock! She/He is quite shy and very fast, so I’ve yet to catch a full photo – I just hear it go flying off the deck into the water with a “plop” when I do come upon it – but I did catch this photo…! Looks like it’s waving goodbye as it jumped off the other morning!! It is the loveliest emerald green and about 3 feet long, what should we name it? ?

And for the last bit of news, Jordan is maturing and getting to be a big healthy guy.

Unfortunately, we haven’t been able to have the veterinarian come to the island to spay and neuter this year so the males are getting restless if you know what I mean, but thankfully Jordan seems to steer clear of fighting thank goodness! 

Here’s a recent photo that shows how much he’s grown for those of you that met him in early summer. Doing what he loves… chillin!

I hope this update finds you all well, healthy and curious for what lies ahead… what an adventure!

Sending love from Bimini, Niketa

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Woman standing on wooden deck with rope in her hand and kitten by her feetCaribean island from birds eye view