I was on a snorkelling trip in the Abacos, and our boat slowed to observe a small, friendly pod of dolphins. Instinctively I felt a calling, and immersed into the water from the boat. To my [...]
The back-and-forth exchange of love, healing, and wonder between the Bimini dolphins and the WildQuest retreat guests blows my heart more and more open each year. I’ve been swimming with these [...]
As I sit in this loud and overwhelming airport on my way home from Bimini, I reflect upon my time this year at WildQuest, the journey that I keep close to my heart, and the pure love and light [...]
Chhaya’s Story Chhaya has been visiting WildQuest every year for the last 12 years, and most seasons she stays for several weeks at a time, that’s a LOT of dolphin swimming. Needless to say [...]
A Beginner’s guide to Snorkeling (with dolphins!) Are you a first-time or beginner snorkeler? It’s perfectly normal to feel a little nervous when trying anything new, and maybe more so when it [...]
I have needed to heal a lot of things in my life… and I’ve been working at it hard for a long time. Therapy, yoga, meditation, journeying, reading, soul retrieval… and it did a [...]
Over the dark and stormy winter, I was in contact with many beloved “WildQuest-ers” as our hearts squinted toward the horizon of Spring. With Equinox’s passing, our conversations revolved around [...]
Hello WildQuest Family I’m reflecting on this past year on Bimini as I prepare for my three-week trip to the U.S. To have spent an entire year in this beautiful place has been a gift beyond my [...]
Hello Dear Pod & to 2021! I’m sure many are happy to see the end of 2020 – and it brings a lot of curiosity about what 2021 will bring! The past couple of weeks have been filled with [...]
Hello Beloved Pod! I’m experiencing my first off-season winter on Bimini and recognizing that I will most likely be here for the next few months… as so-called “plans” for travel and life in [...]
I came home from the WildQuest dolphin retreat living through my heart. I saw my thoughts pass through my heart and then out my mouth. My body felt light and my mind at ease. The [...]
One of the questions we get asked a lot is this: “Are wild dolphins safe to swim with?” We can of course only share from our own experiences here in Bimini, The Bahamas, with the wild [...]
Poem written by April Borisewitz, WildQuest guest, June 2019 Here we are in the crystal blueRays of light filter throughDancing in the Sea of lifeRefracting patterns covering the ocean [...]
by Linda Shay, Dolphin Ambassador and Retreat Leader Let me paint a bit of a picture of the weeks and days leading up to our July 26 – August 1, Unity-Community Wild Dolphin Bimini [...]
We wanted to share a beautiful letter Kathleen recently sent to all those who were booked to be joining her WildQuest retreat this May 2020. Her retreat, Being Ocean, is one of the weeks that [...]
While we’re all staying home during this time, we’ve made a short video from the WildQuest crew who are all around the world in their respective homes and countries (wishing they were out on the [...]
If I have to choose a word to describe Bimini and the WildQuest experience, that word is sacred. The incredible sacred space which whispered a calling to my heart 10 years ago. The sacred [...]
We wanted to share this update with you as we know many of you know and love our beloved dog Sandy, enjoying many special moments with her at WildQuest. It’s time for a new adventure as she [...]
“Sometimes I just want to rest here, only exactly here; together, eye to eye, time out of time, a kind of communication that feels far and away from the roughness of words.” Looking into the eye [...]
“I must be a mermaid, I have no fear of depth and a great fear of shallow living.” – Anais Nin. When the dolphins begin to speak, you listen. The first time I heard their [...]