Spring Travelers

Over the dark and stormy winter, I was in contact with many beloved “WildQuest-ers” as our hearts squinted toward the horizon of Spring. With Equinox’s passing, our conversations revolved around a year of endurance on the collective hamster-wheel of COVID.

But, as daffodils began uplifting in April, our chorus of human voices started to buzz with excitement about travel! Could we safely return to Bimini?! How, when, and around which COVID-related hurdles?!

In my role in the WildQuest reservations office, it’s a privilege to help travelers connect with WildQuest’s heart-centered offerings. (As you may know, I first came to WildQuest as a guest in the year 2000 — and am deeply honored to continue swimming in this sacred well-spring.)

But it is my larger role that I wish to share a taste of, in this blog — that of a fellow traveler in the global community of our natural world. For Spring is not just a time of human vacation planning; it is also a peak time of bird migration! And for me, the ongoing wonder of one invigorates the vitality of the other. 

Two examples from this past week: I saw my first ever Magnolia Warbler, gleaning insects from freshly unfurled maple leaves in the front yard! It reminded me of our buffets at WildQuest, where lovingly-served foods fill the bellies and warm the hearts of travelers – who have flown and swum great distances to get there. 

I also watched a Tree Swallow return time after time to the yard’s edge, gathering beak-fills of soft, dried grasses with which to line its developing nest. In gratitude, I thought of WildQuest’s housekeeping team members who fluff up our pillows and provide fresh soft linens in which our sun-drenched bodies can rejuvenate. 

How about you? Have you noticed any new birds flitting about your home or work environs? Heard the burbling songs of Spring courtship and territorial proclaim? Do you wonder which plants, flowers and trees have attracted birds from afar to your welcoming home? 

There is an invitation to look around and listen… to witness what is happening around us, wherever we may be. From our home kitchen windows; to the turquoise cathedral of the dolphin grounds; to bustling airports and quiet sandy stretches of beach. 

In my 20 years of traveling to Bimini, I have discovered at least one new bird species on every visit and I wonder how that can be? Perhaps, as with our time in the water, each journey invites us to dive deeper… to more fully appreciate our connections in this living, breathing world. 

Wherever you are, and however far (or not) your Spring travels may bring you, I welcome your news of natural wonder, along with your questions around travel logistics.

Sending much love, Nala 

Nala is our fabulous Reservations Queen at WildQuest, you can reach Nala at reservations@wildquest.com

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Caribean island from birds eye viewpeople swimming with wild dolpins in the ocean.