Sacred is the word

If I have to choose a word to describe Bimini and the WildQuest experience, that word is sacred.

The incredible sacred space which whispered a calling to my heart 10 years ago. The sacred energy from the crystal clear waters of Bimini ocean, the unique dolphins, the island and the sacred grounds of WildQuest Retreat Center.

Since my first visit there, my love for the oceans has expanded, my respect towards the innate wisdom of the dolphins has multiplied, my heart keeps on expanding in awe for all of life, and the power of the experience keeps on bringing me back for more, 10 years and counting.

Lydie Ometto teaching yoga

The soul lessons I have learned with these sentient beings are countless (worthy of writing another blog!) but I can say that the dolphins saw right through my soul and shared messages with me along the way.
Through my love for the sacred art of Yoga, the opportunity of co-leading eight incredible retreats here has been heart-fulfilling.  The gifts of organizing and guiding two groups within the past two years have been heart-blossoming and the gratitude to be able to sprinkle yoga-love in a variety of ways on these sacred grounds is abundant. 

The sacred space held by Amlas, Atmo and the WildQuest team is as special as the vibrational bath you receive from swimming with Bimini wild dolphins. And for me, besides the yumminess from this special sacred space, their support in honoring the oceans, the dolphins and all of Life is surely a model to be followed.

These are some of the reasons why I keep on returning with new soulful groups, in order to share these precious moments and create priceless memories.  

In June 2021 (13 – 19), myself and my dear friend Kerry Ferguson, an ocean lover alike, will together be guiding a group – Dive into Your True Self – Yoga & Dolphins.

People who ‘swim-with-the-dolphins’, who embrace their heart-wisdom, who are ready to take a deep dive in the power of her-self, and who are ready to say YES to the gifts of life.

I invite you to join us and experience for yourself the Sacred Grounds of creation and transformation.

To find out more and book a place on this retreat, Dive into Your True Self – Yoga & Dolphins, 13 – 19 June 2021, visit our booking page.

Lydie Ometto is an Integrative Wellness Practitioner, a lifelong enthusiastic yoga therapist (c-iyt) and teacher (e-ryt500), an artist at heart, a creative physical & massage therapist, wellness coach, breath worker and a lover of supporting people to live abundantly by seeing the abundant beauty within themselves. Connect with her by visiting

Lydie Ometto practising yoga

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Dog Sandy the dog sitting on the boat in the ocean